Trading days at Dexxi
Once a week, there is a possibility to start at Dexxi. At the time your agreement is finalized and you deposit the initial amount into your account, your portfolio will be iniated on our trading day. Also, new deposits will be processed on such weekly trading day.
Our trading days are:
- Tuesday May 2th (including rebalance)
- Tuesday May 9th
- Tuesday May 16th
Note: Your deposit must be received the working day before.
Changes in investment profile
Changes in investment profile will be processed within one business day.
Withdrawals and terminations
Withdrawals and terminations need to applied for in writing or by sending an e-mail to sent by the e-mail address registered on your account. Withdrawals and terminations will be processed on the next business day and transferred to your contra account within three business days.
When a withdrawal is equal or higher than 90% of your asset value, your entire investment portfolio will be liquidated at once.